Thursday, June 26, 2014


Hi All,
Welcome to my blog for my upcoming trip to Turkey.

I'm going to be going on a tour around Turkey, hitting some of the biggest cities in Asia Minor. We'll see ancient ruins, one of the earliest settlements of humans, the modernization of Turkey, and a variety of monuments and museums that showcase the culture and past of the crossroads of the world.

 For this trip I will be
           - learning about the educational system
           - meeting the people
           - enjoying the culture
           - focusing on the architecture
           - tasting the food

Thanks to everyone who have helped me get ready (Mom, Dad, Ashley, Leo and of course my wonderful wife, Joanna.


  1. Sounds like an awesome trip - we can't wait to hear about your adventure. Love you,

  2. Have fun!!!! My boss is from Turkey let me know if you want any non-tourist info.
